Chronic Illness


The Chronic Illness Workbook
by: Patricia Fennell, LCSW

People with chronic illness struggle with pacing and working within their pain and energy limitations. In my work as a hospital social worker and support group facilitator for people managing chronic illnesses, I came back to this book again and again as the most reliable strategy and solution manual out there.

Living Well with a Hidden Disability: Transcending Doubt and Shame and Reclaiming Your Life
by: Stacy Taylor, MSW, LCSW with Robert Epstein, Ph.D.

People with chronic illness struggle with pacing and working within their pain and energy limitations. In my work as a hospital social worker and support group facilitator for people managing chronic illnesses, I came back to this book again and again as the most reliable strategy and solution manual out there.

Handbook for Mortals: Guidance for People Facing Serious Illness
by: Joanne Lynn, MD and Joan Harrold, MD

This is a serious and deeply considered book with truly useful content. Written by doctors who’ve included literary passages and spiritual concepts, the book is a lifeline for preserving dignity and integrity when facing a terminal illness. Not just a reminder of what you already know, this book takes on the harder subjects such as about what happens to the body near the end of life. The book covers everything from practical considerations like writing a useful advance care directive to more spiritual ones like contemplating the four R’s of the spirit, which are remembering, reassessing, reconciling and reuniting.